Table of Contents

A Table of Contents for blog posts:

Announcement: Midnight Fear (The Bloodline Chronicles, 2), Now Released!

Article: Naming Jewish Characters

Announcement: Paranormal Romance Guild Reviewer’s Choice 2023 Nominee! – Please Vote!

Announcement: Midnight Fear: Release Date! 

Announcement: Midnight Fear, Book 2 Cover Reveal!

Article: Jews in Modern Fantasy: Done Right and Done Wrong

Article: Sensitivity Readers: What They Do and Why You Need One

Article: First Kill and Why We Need More

Announcement: Witch’s Knight Release Date!

Article: 7 Writing Tips from a Trad-Pub Author

Review: Bath Book Review: An Angel’s Wylder Assignment

Review: Bath Book Review: Heartquake

Article: The (Broom) Closet of Dumbledore – A ‘Good’ Gay is a Quiet Gay

Article: Kink Belongs at Pride

Review: Bath Book Review: Round of Applause

Review: Bath Book Review: BloodBound

Review: Bath Book Review: Choosing Charity

Review: Bath Book Review: Deference

Article: How I Write Sex Scenes in Romance

Article: Bisexual Discourse

Article: Colonialism in Lord of the Rings

Article: When Cis-Hetero Women Write M/M Romance

Review: Bath Book Review: A Sea of Pearls and Leaves

Announcement: Now on YouTube

Article: Writing Jewish Characters

Article: The Twilight Pineapple

Article: Writers are Dominants, readers are submissives

Review: Bath Book Review: My Lord

Word Search: Fun and Games: Word Search!

Article: My 5 Least Favorite Romantic Tropes

Announcement: sub+Human, the Novella

Poem: Of Eurydice

Poem: A Masochist’s Poem

Review: Bath Book Review: A Court of Thorns and Roses

Article: My Top 5 Favorite Romantic Tropes 

Announcement: Witch’s Knight Cover Reveal

Short Story: Crimson Wax

Article: Does Kink Belong at Pride?

Article: Does Polyamory Belong at Pride?

Short Story: Pomegranate Sonata

Short Story: Breathless

Article: How to Write Bisexual Characters

Short Story: sub+Human

Article: The Popularity of Unhealthy Romances – A Look at Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey

Article: BDSM and Autism – Personal Musings

Short Story: Galit’s Golem

Article: Adapting Mythology – How I’ve Used ‘Telephone’ to Enhance Characters

Short Story: Edith and the Fairies

Article: When Things Don’t Go Right – Turning Pain into Art

Article: Writing Polyamorous Characters in Romance

Article: To Pseudonym or Not to Pseudonym – 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Deciding

Poem: Shall I Compare Thee to a Winter’s Night?

Article: Dracula and the Expression of Repressed Sexuality